In which we welcome a new blogger, Sex Drugs and Finance. Clearly a degenerate lush unable to appreciate the finer points of violence.
The fellow has spilled much ink, and who knows what aught besides, analyzing that one super hot video with the naked chicks dancing around the two guys in suits. Apparently one of the anonymous topless 10’s was actually Miley Cyrus, a name that rings a bell, albeit indistinctly.
Feminists are bitching, but I repeat myself, about this upstanding video. Queue SDaF:
“Meanwhile Feminists are frenzied. Criticizing Cyrus on moral grounds would amount to slut-shaming so they have to chastise her on their own terms. They must show how she commits the three mortal sins of Cultural Marxism: racism, sexism and homophobia. Unfortunately for them her androgyny eliminates any recourse to homophobia. The Jezebel article exploits what little room they have to catch her in a highly rhetorical account of racism but it falls flat. Thankfully, the appearance of Robin Thicke provides their best out—a man. A man who is singing about ‘blurred lines’. Could that mean blurred lines of consent? No, but they’ll run with it.”
Ahem, androgynous? I refer you, sir, to the definition of the word, “secondary sexual characteristics”. A moment of silence, please, while we give thanks to the Almighty.
Aaand, resume argument. I care not for the content of the feminist complaint. As Deida would say, Woman’s complaint is Content-Free. In this case, despite his doughty analysis, SDaF has missed the point.
In sum, the problem feminists have with the video is exactly the reason I never would’ve guessed that the two white chicks were anyone famous. Miley Cyrus, alpha female, behaved like a the slightly hotter of two unknown 10 models flirting with the slick pop star alpha male. She displayed no status except as a hot, feminine, submissive, flirty, innocent, naughty girl. (To the alpha male, naturally. Not in general.)
The fig leaf she dropped was not sluttiness, my dear SDaF. That leaf was pounded up the vulva long ago by such fearless splitizens as Christina Aguileruh and hide-her-face, erm, Lady Googoo. No, the leaf she dropped was the PRETENSE of female defiance to the American alpha male!
That most preciously guarded, sitcommed, romance-noveled, pretense. Possibly the most important pretense that the American woman (to use the terms loosely (for something loosely used)) possesses.
That’s why they hated it. Female emancipation coming full circle. Miley reveled in being a woman.
Plus the ugly girls hate the 10’s. But then, a 10 doesn’t give a shit. Being a girl is too fun.